Delicious Girl Scout Cookies Available in Australia – Order Now!

Delicious Girl Scout Cookies now available in Australia! Indulge in your favorite flavors while supporting a great cause. Order yours today.

Girl Scout Cookies in Australia: A Guide to the Delicious Treats


Girl Scout Cookies are a beloved tradition in many countries around the world, including Australia. These delicious treats are not only a tasty snack but also serve as a way for Girl Scouts to raise funds for their activities and community projects. In this article, we will explore the history of Girl Scout Cookies in Australia, the different types of cookies available, and where you can purchase them.

History of Girl Scout Cookies in Australia

The Girl Guides Association of Australia first introduced Girl Scout Cookies to the country in the early 1950s. Inspired by the success of the American Girl Scout Cookie program, Australian Girl Guides began selling cookies as a way to raise funds for their organization. Over the years, the popularity of Girl Scout Cookies has grown, with Australians eagerly anticipating the annual cookie sales.

Types of Girl Scout Cookies Available in Australia

There are several types of Girl Scout Cookies available in Australia, each with its own unique flavor and appeal. Some of the most popular varieties include:

– Thin Mints: These chocolate-covered mint cookies are a favorite among many Girl Scout Cookie enthusiasts. Their crisp texture and refreshing mint flavor make them a popular choice.

– Samoas: Also known as Caramel deLites, these cookies feature a chewy caramel and coconut topping, drizzled with chocolate. They are a sweet and indulgent treat that is sure to please.

– Tagalongs: Peanut butter lovers rejoice – Tagalongs are peanut butter cookies topped with a rich chocolate coating. The combination of peanut butter and chocolate is a classic favorite.

– Do-si-dos: These oatmeal sandwich cookies are filled with a creamy peanut butter filling. They offer a perfect blend of sweet and savory flavors.

– Trefoils: These classic shortbread cookies are simple yet delicious, with a buttery flavor that pairs well with a cup of tea or coffee.

Where to Purchase Girl Scout Cookies in Australia

Girl Scout Cookies are typically sold through local Girl Guide troops during their annual cookie sales. These sales events are usually held in community centers, schools, and other public spaces, where Girl Scouts set up booths to sell cookies to the public. Additionally, some Girl Guide troops may offer online ordering options for those who are unable to attend in-person sales events.

Girl Scout Cookies are also available for purchase at select retail locations, such as supermarkets and specialty stores. Keep an eye out for announcements from the Girl Guides Association of Australia regarding cookie sales in your area, so you can get your hands on these delicious treats.

Supporting the Girl Guides Association of Australia

By purchasing Girl Scout Cookies in Australia, you are not only treating yourself to a tasty snack but also supporting the Girl Guides Association of Australia and their various programs and initiatives. The funds raised from cookie sales help to provide resources and opportunities for Girl Guides to develop leadership skills, participate in outdoor activities, and engage in community service projects.

Next time you see a group of Girl Scouts selling cookies in your area, consider purchasing a box or two to show your support for this wonderful organization. Not only will you enjoy a delicious treat, but you will also be helping to empower young girls and women in Australia.

In Conclusion

Girl Scout Cookies are a beloved tradition in Australia, offering a delicious way to support the Girl Guides Association and their important work. With a variety of flavors to choose from and multiple ways to purchase them, Girl Scout Cookies are a treat that is enjoyed by many Australians each year. So next time you have a craving for something sweet, consider picking up a box of Girl Scout Cookies and indulging in a tasty snack that supports a great cause.